The Answer
Last Updated: Feb 22, 2023     Views: 3517

Lawrenceville Campus Library 

Twenty six computer workstations provide students with high-speed access to the Internet & Galileo, Blackboard, the library’s electronic resources, and the library catalog. There are an additional twelve computers in the instruction/learning space used for hands-on library instruction sessions and as overflow during peak hours. Wireless Internet access facilitates the use of personal technology devices. Printing is not available from personal laptop or other technology devices.

The Alpharetta-North Fulton Campus Library

The library has fifteen computers 



Gwinnett Tech is committed to meeting the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines stated in Section 508 and the technical standards.  Please report any accessibility issues to your instructor or contact Lisa Richardson at 678-226-6691 or email her at

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Non-Library Technical Issues

Contact the Library

Library Hours:
Lawrenceville Campus
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 8:30 pm
Friday  8 am - 4 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1pm

Alpharetta-North Fulton Campus
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 6:30 pm
Friday  8 am - 4 pm (remote service)

Break Hours
Please check the Library Calendars
Lawrenceville Campus Library
Alpharetta-North Fulton Campus Library