The Virtual Meetings feature of Webex allows you to schedule and host a one-time or recurring meeting with your class.
Step 1: Go to the Virtual Meetings Tab. Select New Meeting
Enter the following information:
Name—Enter a descriptive name for your meeting.
Meeting Date—Indicate when you want the meeting to take place.
Duration—Set how long you want your meeting to last.
Choose session type—Choose Meeting, Training, or Event.
Recurrence—Choose how often you want your meeting to repeat, such as daily or weekly. Also choose when your meeting will stop repeating, such as on a specific date or after a certain number of meetings.
Step 2: Click Create Meeting
After you create a meeting, it appears in your Upcoming tab, where everyone that is enrolled in the course can see it. From here, you can edit or delete individual meetings.
You can view your past meetings in the Past Meetings tab.
You can view recordings in the Recordings tab.