The Answer
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2023     Views: 103

- On the Library homepage, click on "Catalog" on the top right of the page.



- On the Catalog homepage, enter your search terms in the search box.



- On the search results page, you can filter your results by selecting the different filters on the left-hand side of the page. You have the option to filter by Availability, Library Campus, Subject, Creation Date, Language, and more.





- Once you click on a source, you can find out more information about the source such as the Author, Publication date, Availability, and Location.



- If you continue to scroll down on the source page, you will find additional information about the source, including a brief summary.



- If you would like to check-out a physical item, visit the Library where the item is located and use our self-checkout kiosk to complete the process. You may also contact the Library and request for a hold to be placed on the item to reserve it.


- For assistance with locating an item or performing a search, contact the GTC Library.

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Library Hours:
Lawrenceville Campus
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 8:30 pm
Friday  8 am - 4 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1pm

Alpharetta-North Fulton Campus
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 6:30 pm
Friday  8 am - 4 pm (remote service)

Break Hours
Please check the Library Calendars
Lawrenceville Campus Library
Alpharetta-North Fulton Campus Library