Contact Blackboard and Distance Education Support

Please provide details about the following when emailing us:

  1. Your Student ID
  2. Course Name
  3. Assignment / item name
  4. Assignment / item location (Lesson folder?)
  5. Is this a publisher platform? (Pearson, UCertify, McGraw Hill, MacMillan, TestOut, etc.)
  6. Screenshots or pictures
  7. Any other information that may assist in troubleshooting the issue.


Blackboard and Distance Education Support
Help Desk Request Form

What is your information?
How can we help you?

In the box below, please ask us your question or describe the issue you are having. You can attach a screenshot or file if you want us to take a look at something. Please provide a detailed explanation of the issue so that we can better assist you.

Does your question or issue have to do with a course?

Please tell us:

  • Course Name and CRN
  • Name of your instructor (if you are a student)
  • Name of the assignment and which lesson folder

The more details you can provide, the better we can assist you.

Fields marked with * are required.

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